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Author Topic: Admin FAQ  (Read 117983 times)
Disciple of Joe, Head Cleric
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Posts: 2983

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Admin FAQ
« on: July 11, 2002, 02:21:23 AM »
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Because I like adding FAQ's on the fly and docs are just too much work I have decided to just post them here.  If the answer has been posted to a question I will post it here.  If you Q&A is unique and not posted, you can post it.  Please don't post whole conversations, just the question and the answer.  Follow my format.

  • How do I edit/delete calendar events? (thanks Tom B)
    Click the Red star(*) next to the event.

  • Why can't I access the admin center?
    Your admin center opens something from yabbse.org.  If yabbse.org is down or pinging out, your admin center won't work. This thread will probably give you the most help.

  • When I try to browse or add a server I get an error like 2: fopen("Packages/server.list","a") - Permission denied (/users/coolfreepage.com/hhhphp/forum/yabbse/Sources/PackageGet.php ln 102)
    You need to have safe mode disabled or you don't have this function in your build of PHP.  Ask your host to disable safe mode.

  • What does disabling cacheing do?
    It stops people from being able to go back and read another person's messages.  Like if you were using a public computer and someone went to your board.  The previous user didn't signout, they could use the back button and view the pages.  Also, it slows down your board and increases bandwith

  • How do I change a person's membergroup (to admininstrator or global moderator or other)
    Find the person's profile, click "Modify", then near the bottom there is a drop down menu.  Their current group will be displayed first, the default is blank.  Just change that to the desired group.

  • My 1.4 board is very slow, is there any way to speed it up?
    There is a MySQL optimizer out that will add indices to certain fields. You can find it here(I don't know if you can find it on YaBB's Site yet).  Upgrade to 1.5.1 final!! Remove the clicklog

  • Does being logged in forever mean that I will show up as an online user, 'forever'?
    No.  That is the amount of time that your cookie will stay on your computer for.  It only means that you don't have to login each time you come to the site.  You will go offline after about 15 minutes of inactivity.  Also, a cookie only stays on your computer for a year.

  • Does YaBB SE work with apache2?
    We are unsure right now, it has not been tested.  Some people have had problems with it but no word has come out as to what the problem or the solution may be.

  • Why don't other member groups have colored names?
    Currently YSE does not have colored names on any other membergroup besides admin and global moderator.  It was not meant to be a full feature in this current release.  It may be a feature in future releases to have more colors.  Check the completed mods board for a mod.

  • How do I give a user a custom title?
    First, this must be enabled in 'Installed Mods & Settings'.  You click on the users name.  You click "modify" at the top of their profile.  Then you go to the second input field and type their custom title in.

  • What is an announcement board?
    A board where only admins and global moderators can post.  They can also be setup so that you can send announcement emails by checking 'Receive email notification when new Announcements' in Notifications.

  • How do I make a board an announcement board?
    Make sure that the announcement board is enabled in "Installed Mods & Settings".  Then go to your admin cp.  Click on "Edit Boards (reorder/create/remove)".  Find the board that you are a looking for and click the checkbox that says "Make this board an announcement board"; and click the modify button in the same row.

  • How do I disable the "more stats" link on the boardindex?
    It is in Installed Mods & Settings.  Just uncheck "Track Stats"

  • How do I customize the words on my board?
    All text is placed in the language file.  The default is English.lng but you may be using something different depending upon your language

  • What does "Topic Summary Posts" mean?
    This is when you click reply on a topic and in the post screen, the topic summary is below the message textbox.  You can select how many topics of the summary you want there.

  • What does "Enable Post Reporting" mean?
    Post reporting alows users to report inappropriate messages to the moderators/admins.  In a post it will show up as "Report to moderator".

  • What do I do if I banned myself?
    If you have PHPmyadmin installed, this is very simple.  Log into phpmyadmin.  Open the proper database.  Browse the 'banned' table.  When you find yourself just delete it.

  • How do I place a member in a membergroup?
    Go to their profile and then go all the way down near the bottom of the screen.  There should be a drop down menu.  You just select which membergroup from there.

  • How do I make a member a moderator of a board?
    Go to "Edit Boards (reorder/create/remove)".  Then find the board and there is a field that says "Moderators".  Just place the members name in there and click modify.  Do not place any spaces!!  It should look like this "member1,member 2,member3"

  • How do I create a board where only certain membergroups can access?
    Boards can't have access levels so just create a category then create a board inside of that category.  Place as many membergroups inside of that as you want.  Just seperate them by commas (group1,group2)

  • What should I do about a person who is flooding or not following the rules of my forum and won't listen to warnings?
    You have an array of options.  First off there is a mod to mute them if they don't deserve to be banned.  It is called "mute users mod by Jedi~".  Then you can ban them.  Possible type of bannings are username, email, and IP.  I would try them in that order.  You can also try wildcards.  If they are coming from @spammer.com then you can just ban people from that by just putting *@spammer.com in the email field.  If they are coming from a certain IP, I would be careful about where their IP is from and follow it carefully.  There is another mod from Jedi~ that helps you determine the person's IP over time, IPScan.  If you don't want to install this just follow their posts.  You can also place a wildcard in the ip banning field so if someone is from "111.222.33" through "111.222.39" you can just put "111.222.3*" in the IP banning field.  Ah, almost forgot about proxies.  There is another mod by Sylvester found here

  • Every time someone try to register , they get this error: 2: Empty delimiter
    (/data/members/free/tripod/nl/m/s/t/mstsbe/htdocs/yabbse/Sources/Register.php ln 185)

    Go to your reserved names list and add anything you'd like just has to be something.

  • Why can't I access the admin control panel when yabbse.org is down?
    Live from yabbse.org's yabb.xml has a problem.  Upgrade to 1.5.1 final (or above) and this is fixed.

  • I was stupid and deleted my admin account, what do I do?
    Download the admin restore tool.  http://www.yabbse.org/jeffstools/adminrestore.zip
    Place it in the directory as Settings.php and call it up in your browser, will restore admin rights to the user you specify.  So create yourself a user on the board and then use this tool to make yourself an admin.

  • Why doesn't MSN messanger work or it gives me errors?
    Is MSNm installed on your computer?  Place <yabb msn> somewhere in your template.

  • How do I continue to have my news on my board but not have it fade?
    Go into 'Forum Preferences & Settings' in your admin cp and uncheck 'enable news fader'.  Make sure that 'enable news' is checked.  Then make sure that you have <yabb news> where you want your news to appear.

  • What are some ways to make my board more secure?
    First of all: change your passwords and make sure the following 3 passwords are all *different*: ftp password,  phpmyadmin password, db access password (the one that is in the file "Settings.php") The most important is that the password that is written in the file "Settings.php" is *not* equal to either of your ftp password or your phpMyAdmin password.  Furthermore make sure that the passwords are hard to be guessed.  They should use numbers and letters (more letters because you have to pick between 27 letters and only 10 numbers).  Do not use words like love, cat, dog, host, or the name of your site since those are very easy.

    backup frequently, make sure you know how to restore (db data and html data)

    check the file protections in your board, reduce them to the minimum that is required to keep the board running

    delete install files such as install.php, archive.ya, converter.php etc.

    make sure that your YaBB SE admin user password is hard to guess and again different from the passwords above. The same for other admin members in your board.

    clean the YaBB SE error log (in the admin menu) after each login failure with your YaBB SE admin user and monitor it as much as you can.

    Make sure you only give people that you HIGHLY trust access to your board admins and your hosting.

    Do not allow guests to upload anything, don't allow scripts to be uploaded such as .php, .pl, .js, etc.  Don't allow .exe's to be uploaded either.  Disable allowing flash too.

  • Why are some of my members 11882 days inactive when that amounts to around 32 years?
    That is the linux epoch, the point at which time starts for all *nix machines.  If a member has never signed in, they will get this.
more to come :)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2004, 10:32:28 AM by Peter Duggan » Logged

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http://www.fastfinancialfreedom.org - financial freedom is a myth
http://www.fastfinancialfreedom.org - financial freedom is a myth
Jeff Lewis
Global Moderator
YaBB God
Posts: 10149

I'm a llama!

Re:My personal Admin FAQ
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2002, 02:54:33 AM »
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Very nice FAQ for admins!

This FAQ has been translated into foreign languages:

Deutsch / German

Edit: Foreign Language Translation links entered here, such that they are visible on the top, and because 1st post got to long
« Last Edit: October 30, 2003, 02:36:09 AM by andrea » Logged

Disciple of Joe, Head Cleric
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YaBB God
Posts: 2983

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Re:My personal Admin FAQ
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2002, 03:12:31 AM »
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Most of this was initially sent to Alan Cramer but he left and Greg Robson is a very busy man so I decided to help out while I can.  Thank You Jeff.

http://www.fastfinancialfreedom.org - financial freedom is a myth
http://www.fastfinancialfreedom.org - financial freedom is a myth
http://www.fastfinancialfreedom.org - financial freedom is a myth
Jr. Member
Posts: 54

I'm a Ducky! Quack quack...

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Re:My personal Admin FAQ
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2002, 03:18:48 AM »
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Alright! This is awesome!  ;D  I wish this was available when I was learning YaBBSE!

Now let's roll it into the distributed package for YaBBSE 1.4.1, so that all new admins will have it immediately available to them!  Make it a readme.html file, or something.

-- What does an "analog duck" sound like anyway?  That's the kind of noises I want to make... ;)
Disciple of Joe, Head Cleric
Mod Team
YaBB God
Posts: 2983

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Re:My personal Admin FAQ
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2002, 04:03:28 AM »
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as I get more, it goes to the Documentation Project but like I said before it won't be available to the people when they need it.  If this gets stickied, it will be easier.

PS: Disclaimer - I take no responsibility for any mistakes that I or others have made.

http://www.fastfinancialfreedom.org - financial freedom is a myth
http://www.fastfinancialfreedom.org - financial freedom is a myth
http://www.fastfinancialfreedom.org - financial freedom is a myth
Jr. Member
Posts: 54

I'm a Ducky! Quack quack...

ICQ - 131723443analogduck@hotmail.com WWW
Re:My personal Admin FAQ
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2002, 05:53:08 AM »
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Sounds good to me!  Make it sticky and roll it into that next release!  ;D

-- What does an "analog duck" sound like anyway?  That's the kind of noises I want to make... ;)
Global Moderator
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Peace on Earth

Re:Admin FAQ
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2002, 06:21:46 AM »
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Where are the credits?  ::)

Disciple of Joe, Head Cleric
Mod Team
YaBB God
Posts: 2983

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Re:Admin FAQ
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2002, 06:23:36 AM »
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not meant to be written by me "If the answer has been posted to a question I will post it here."

all I am doing is compiling it, writing comments, and sometimes writing some of my own q&a.

CREDITS:  All of the people that have been answering support questions for us dummies ;)

http://www.fastfinancialfreedom.org - financial freedom is a myth
http://www.fastfinancialfreedom.org - financial freedom is a myth
http://www.fastfinancialfreedom.org - financial freedom is a myth
Jr. Member
Posts: 54

I'm a Ducky! Quack quack...

ICQ - 131723443analogduck@hotmail.com WWW
Re:Admin FAQ
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2002, 10:09:28 PM »
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 ;D Awesome reply.  So graceful...  ;D

Credits to everyone at the YaBBSE Community!

-- What does an "analog duck" sound like anyway?  That's the kind of noises I want to make... ;)
Disciple of Joe, Head Cleric
Mod Team
YaBB God
Posts: 2983

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Re:Admin FAQ
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2002, 09:47:42 PM »
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I keep adding more but people just keep asking the same questions!  jeez

http://www.fastfinancialfreedom.org - financial freedom is a myth
http://www.fastfinancialfreedom.org - financial freedom is a myth
http://www.fastfinancialfreedom.org - financial freedom is a myth
Jeff Lewis
Global Moderator
YaBB God
Posts: 10149

I'm a llama!

Re:Admin FAQ
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2002, 12:23:10 PM »
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hehe that will ALWAYS happen :)

Posts: 4

I'm a llama!

Re:Admin FAQ
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2002, 11:04:25 AM »
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just joined and my english is poor but i found the faq
really easy to follow.
great work.
and i do have a questin:
how do i hide all information about who & no of guest and member online from public eye?

Thanks and forgive my english
Disciple of Joe, Head Cleric
Mod Team
YaBB God
Posts: 2983

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Re:Admin FAQ
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2002, 08:58:30 PM »
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glad it helped you.  as for your question, I ask that you don't ask questions in this thread.

http://www.fastfinancialfreedom.org - financial freedom is a myth
http://www.fastfinancialfreedom.org - financial freedom is a myth
http://www.fastfinancialfreedom.org - financial freedom is a myth
Disciple of Joe, Head Cleric
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YaBB God
Posts: 2983

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Re:Admin FAQ
« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2002, 04:16:56 PM »
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I don't know if you noticed this but I just asked people not to post questions in this thread. Make a post and if it gets answered, I might add it.

http://www.fastfinancialfreedom.org - financial freedom is a myth
http://www.fastfinancialfreedom.org - financial freedom is a myth
http://www.fastfinancialfreedom.org - financial freedom is a myth
shy hamster
Posts: 16

I'm a llama!

Re:Admin FAQ
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2002, 03:43:23 AM »
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I have just installed YaBB SE 1.4.1 and here are a couple of questions that I experienced and resolved:

In readme.html packaged with the installation pack, it says that one could check the config info by using phpinfo.php. But where do I find phpinfo.php?

Simply open up Notepad and paste these lines in and save as phpinfo.php. Upload and view file via browser




I want to show the most recent posts (or Who's Online or Top Poster etc.) on the main page of my website. How do I do it?

SSI.php is included in YaBB SE 1.4.1. To use it, you have to use these commands on the main page of your website.

include 'http://www.yourservernamehere.com/SSI.php?function=recentTopics';

include 'http://www.yourservernamehere.com/SSI.php?function=topPoster';

include 'http://www.yourservernamehere.com/SSI.php?function=whosOnline';

include 'http://www.yourservernamehere.com/SSI.php?function=welcome';

include 'http://www.yourservernamehere.com/SSI.php?function=menubar';

include 'http://www.yourservernamehere.com/SSI.php?function=logout';

include 'http://www.yourservernamehere.com/SSI.php?function=login';

Hope that helps.
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